Most people will experience neck pain at some point in their lives. Neck pain can be acute, meaningit lasts a few hours to a few weeks, or it can be chronic. Neck pain that lasts several weeks or longer is considered chronic neck pain.

Most causes of neck pain aren't serious. Poor posture at work, such as leaning into your computer, and during hobbies, such as hunching over your workbench, are common causes of neck pain. But sometimes neck pain can signify something more serious.


Neck pain takes many forms:

    • Pain that may feel sharp or dull
    • Stiffness in your neck
    • Shoulder pain in addition to neck pain
    • Back pain in addition to neck pain


    • Muscle strains
    • Worn joints
    • Disk disorders
    • Injuries.

 Neck pain doesn't always require medical care.

Neck pain caused by muscle irritations is usually easy to self-diagnose, and it usually gets better on its
own within a few of days. This type of neck pain typically develops after excessive activity, a period of

overuse or prolonged postures that put excessive strain on your neck muscles. If your neck pain doesn't

let up within a week or two, see a qualified health care provider.

    See your health care provider if the following signs and symptoms occur in conjunction with neck pain: 

  • Severe pain from an injury. After head or neck trauma, such as whiplash or a blow to your head.

  • Shooting pain. Pain radiating to your shoulder, through your shoulder blades or down your arm,
    with or without numbness or tingling in your fingers, may indicate nerve irritation.

  • Loss of strength. Weakness in an arm or a leg, walking with a stiff leg, or shuffling your feet indicates a possible neurological problem and needs immediate evaluation.

Other causes of neck pain may include car accidents, sports injuries, or any activity which introduces trauma

to the neck. Some injuries are serious and can cause damage to ligaments, muscles and or a disc.

Treatment: Skillful examination of the affected area is required by a qualified health care professional. Chiropractic treatment can begin after it has been determined to be a viable solution for the current condition. 

The information provided on this site is not a substitute for professional medical advice,  

  examination, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health care

  provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.  If you think

  you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.

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